- Overview of analyst's coverage (EN)
- Shares value overview, in the different stock exchanges where Santander is quoted. Free. Madrid is real time.
This is the only (English speaking) site I know that correctly reports basic parameters like number of shares, market value, DIY.
Here is an overview valid on 2013/12/09 #shares
In biDIV 2013 DY DIV 2012 DIV 2011 Correct 11.33 €0.6 9.63% €0.6 €0.6 Google finance 10.89 $0.80 9.36% na na Yahoo finance 10.68 $0.64 7.30% na na 11.33 $0.64 7.40% $0.57 $0.57 4-traders 11.33 €0.57 9.21% €0.43 €0.52 investing 11.33 €0.60 9.52% na na - Nice technical charts.
Santander subs are responsible for capital, liquidity.The 25% free float in local stock exchange also add local shareholder responsibility. Spain, UK and US do not have 25% free float.
Local liquidity responsibility has several advantages:- Lower risk, protection against the atomic risk (country leaving the €)
- Very well seen by local banking authorities.
The only subsidiary not self funded is consumer finance. The last legacy item from Arenz is to also ask SCF to be responsible for its own financing.
News- 2013/10/08. 1.6bi bond from SCF (EN)
- Emilio Botin chairman of Santander since 1920
Emilio Botín Sanz de Sautuola y García de los Ríos, chairman since 1986, (EN), son of
Emilio Botín Sanz de Sautuola y López, chairman 1950-1986, son of
Emilio Botín López, chairman 1920-1923
- Why this blog is called promontorynews?
Here is a view of promontory in Santander city.
It was the Botin family house. Now owned by a foundation. - 2012/06/04. Rei Carlos visiting Brazil. Botin gives respects to him. Clothes all red (Ferrari), in shorts, deep bow (ES)
Funny and indicative of character - No date.
Great mother of Emilio Botin is the 8-year old girl who said to her father: "Dad, there are strange paintings in that cave". Altamira caves! (EN)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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